
Intelligent Pool Control System VArio - add-on module DIN SWITCH version 1.4

Intelligent Pool Control System VArio - add-on module DIN SWITCH version 1.4
Rozšiřující modul systému VArio se vstupy pro externí spínače
Price without VAT:261,10 EUR / Pcs
In stock 1-2 Pcs
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ID item:516403
Category: Intelligent control system VArio

The intelligent VArio system allows you to remotely control individual elements of pool technology. An existing VArio set can be extended with a DIN SWITCH module, which allows the control of attractions + lights with up to 5 external pulse switches; a DIN ZELIO module for BESGO valves may be attached at the same time.

NOTICE: The OMNITRONIC/AQUASTAR automatic 6-way valves cannot be connected to DIN SWITCH module.


Additional module for control of attractions and lights (in ON / OFF mode) using external pulse switches with or without button backlight.
The DIN SWITCH module can be connected to the main DIN module or to the DIN LIGHTS additional module (from version 1.4 also to the DIN PUMPS module).

The module is only compatible with VArio version 1.3 and higher.

DIN SWITCH module functions:

A)   Attractions / lights control with external pulse switches or piezo buttons:

  • 3x RGB piezo button with switching status indication (eg ON = green, OFF = red)
  • 5x one-color piezo button or pulse button with permanent backlight
  • 5x piezo without backlight or pulse button (without indication of attraction status)
  • Piezo buttons and classic pulse buttons can be combined with the same type of backlight
  • You can set the function of the button - single click or double click

B)   Communication:with DIN ZELIO module (for BESGO valves)

  • Adjusts filtration pump speed, stops pump for BESGO valve repositioning
  • Can be connected together with up to 5 unlit/single-color pulse switches

Technical parametres

Product type:Rozšiřující modul systému VArio se vstupy pro externí spínače


Weight:0.1 kg
In group packs:1
On palette:0