
Frequency inverter E-POOL TT3-30A, 400 V, 5,5 - 15 kW (20 HP)

Frequency inverter E-POOL TT3-30A, 400 V, 5,5 - 15 kW (20 HP)
Invertorový frekvenční měnič; Pump type: 3 fázové; Voltage: 400 V AC; Output: 5,5 - 11 kW
Price without VAT:2 347,47 EUR / Pcs
On request
To list
ID item:57D0280
Category: Frequency drive

[e]Pool - version TT3-30A for motorw above 5,5 kW - specially made for private swimming pools. Compatible with VArio Pool Control system (DIN PUMPS module, communication extension required for proper communication).

The new control system is driven by frequency or speed modulation to
get great comfort and minimize the operating costs:

  • Very silent working
  • Possibility to adjust requested flow rate and motor performance
  • Adaptable to all types of pumps (centrifugal, vertical, submersible pumps with induction or PM motors)
  • The LCD display, simple setup, the Czech language
  • Energy saving
  • Operational protection (over-current, input voltage fluctuations, dry running, overpressure, water hammer, etc.)
  • Version 11A for motor with up to 4,0 kW (5,5 HP)
  • Version 30A for motor with 5,5–15 kW (7,5–20 HP)
  • Mutual communication up to 8 (e)Pool units

For wall mounting, please use the wall kit Nr. S801D0401.

Technical parametres

Product type:Invertorový frekvenční měnič
Pump type:3 fázové
Voltage:400 V AC
Output:5,5 - 11 kW


Weight:6.5 kg
In group packs:1
On palette:0